Dirty bodies, rotting teeth, soiled clothes; if these are the things that come to mind when you think of hygiene in the Middle Ages, think again. Dirt was far from fashionable. People might not have been slathering hand sanitizer on…
Fate, luck, destiny, providence; all words to describe the unseen power that seems to control our life events. Who you believe is the unseen power differs in this day and age. In the Middle Ages, however, everyone was pretty much…
Modern life tends to go on as usual despite shifting temperatures, but what about people in the medieval period? How did the weather affect them, and how did they manage to keep warm? Keeping warm, Medieval style You might…
One night in the year 1180 in a little town outside Siena, a knight by the name of Galgano Guidotti had a dream in which the mighty Archangel Michael came to visit him. “Now see here Galgano,” Michael said…