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King Arthur, Excalibur, and an Italian Saint

One night in the year 1180 in a little town outside Siena, a knight by the name of Galgano Guidotti had a dream in which the mighty Archangel Michael came to visit him. “Now see here Galgano,” Michael said…

Louis XIV And The Triumph Of The Big Wigs

Hair. As women we obsess over it. We slather it with products to make it bouncy, shiny, straight or curly. Back in the 80’s some of us were even mean enough to tease it. It’s not…

What you didn’t know about Rocking Chairs

What’s your feeling on rocking chairs?  It’s a strange question but think about it. More than likely if you search through those cobwebs crowding the nooks and crannies of your mind you’ve got…

How the English Fell in Love with Tea

The recent Fourth of July celebrations have me thinking about tea. It had a part, after all, in getting this whole independence thing started. What is it that makes tea oh-so-British? In the Beginning, God Made Tea Well…

Shopping Through History: Wedding Rings

Ah, June. It ‘s a time of singing birds, dancing pollen and loads of money spent on weddings. Of course for there to be a wedding there needs to first be a ring. There are loads of choices, but…