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The Strange Ancient Greek Habit of Turning People into Plants

The Greek gods had a strange habit of turning loved ones into plants. Maybe one of your favorite is among them…

The Strange but True Story of the Dancing Plague

Frau Troffea seemed normal enough.  She washed dishes, hung the laundry, and did a good bit of gossiping just like every other woman in Strasbourg in 1518. That is until the night of July 14th. Maybe it was something she…

The Days When Fashion Was Only for the Rich

In today’s world, the only thing that limits what you wear is the size of your wallet and the depth of your closet. Yet the freedom to dress how you please wasn’t always something you could take…

How Cumbersome was Medieval Armor?

The knight in shining armor. Whatever you might think of his social skills, you’ve got to admit; wearing all that gear had to be a tough gig. I mean really, how does a guy manage in all that metal…

In Ancient Rome, Smelling Good Made You Godlike

The city of Rome was a lot like its modern counterparts. There were shops, offices, and religious buildings. It was colorful too, with yellow, purple and red marble, and granite in shades of gray and pink. The architecture was…